We found 62 results for your search.

Innovative GPS Technology Make iPad
 an Integral Component of any Boating Experience.

Soon, innovative GPS Technology will, quite simply, make the iPod touch, iPhone or iPad 
an integral component of any boating experience.The iPad can become the focal point for navigation, environmental and engine sensor monitoring beyond the bridge with a little bit of Bad Elf Engineering Magic.The Bad Elf GPS Pro 2200, a compact, low cost… Continue reading Innovative GPS Technology Make iPad
 an Integral Component of any Boating Experience.

Camper & Nicholson: The Best Anchorages of the Western Mediterranean

From chic seafront towns to enchanting secret hideaways, the Western Mediterranean offers some of the most celebrated and beautiful coastlines in the world, perfect for a spectacular summer cruising vacation. Camper & Nicholsons have a fantastic selection of charter yachts available in the region, offering something for everyone amongst an array of fabulous anchorages. Here… Continue reading Camper & Nicholson: The Best Anchorages of the Western Mediterranean