Road & Rail

Frequently updated, we bring the most informative and interesting stories from the road and rail sectors around the world.

This is where you will find features written by us as we travel by vehicle and train. TheHoworths report and review top campsites, great hotels, fabulous restaurants, unusual train journeys and fascinating places to visit.

To share your news and views with our growing readership, send it to us by email. Include low resolution imagery and any quotations and editors we will then give it consideration.

Can it get worse?

Can it get worse?

Surely after a missed flight connection, an enforced stay in a foreign country not on…

Bring Your Own iPad

Bring Your Own iPad

The prospects of a 14 hour long flight without seat back movies is almost unheard…

Travelling With Iberia?  Bring Your Own Food!

Travelling With Iberia? Bring Your Own Food!

If you will take our advice we suggest you pack your carry on bag of…

A Breach of the Trade Descriptions Act Maybe?

A Breach of the Trade Descriptions Act Maybe?

Book a flight with British Airways and you expect to get the type of service…

One World Airline Two Sets of Safety Rules

One World Airline Two Sets of Safety Rules

When it suits them, British Airways is proud to boast of its close relation ship…

When does Unaccompanied Baggage Become a Security Risk?

When does Unaccompanied Baggage Become a Security Risk?

I am confused! Apparently one reason we were not able to take an earlier flight…

Heads we win, Tails you loose!

Heads we win, Tails you loose!

Heads we win, Tails you loose is the mantra of British Airways and Iberia one of…

Iberia or easyJet? – Spot the difference!

Iberia or easyJet? – Spot the difference!

They might well be belong to the same company as owns British Airways and they…

Why Are Travel Guide Publishers So Rude?

Why Are Travel Guide Publishers So Rude?

There was a time that before travel writers set off for their trips of researching…