Road & Rail

Frequently updated, we bring the most informative and interesting stories from the road and rail sectors around the world.

This is where you will find features written by us as we travel by vehicle and train. TheHoworths report and review top campsites, great hotels, fabulous restaurants, unusual train journeys and fascinating places to visit.

To share your news and views with our growing readership, send it to us by email. Include low resolution imagery and any quotations and editors we will then give it consideration.

Sailing to the Iles de la Madeleine

Sailing to the Iles de la Madeleine

Sculpted out of sandstone, the remote Iles de la Madeleine are situated in the middle…

Exploring Englishtown and the Bird Islands

Exploring Englishtown and the Bird Islands

In calm weather and good clear visibility the ship moved slowly northwards through the night…

Our Canada Wildlife  Cruise Begins with Sable Island

Our Canada Wildlife Cruise Begins with Sable Island

Creeping out of Louisbourg in thick fog to the mournful sounds of the ship’s foghorn,…

Having A Blast in Louisbourg

Having A Blast in Louisbourg

As an immersion into history the fortress in Louisbourg is hugely successful and it is…

Living Museum at Louisbourg

Living Museum at Louisbourg

Detractors of what has been recreated at Louisbourg will call it Disney-like but for those…

The Historically Recreated Fortress of Louisbourg.

The Historically Recreated Fortress of Louisbourg.

Even before we board our ship, our hosts; One Ocean Expeditions, have organised an exciting…

In New England’s Back Yard

In New England’s Back Yard

Canada’s Atlantic Maritime Provinces are well known for its Celtic traditions and the music and…

Sailing In Akademik Ioffe

Sailing In Akademik Ioffe

Designed for polar research, Akademik Ioffe was designed and built as a scientific research vessel…

Setting Sail with One Ocean Expeditions

Setting Sail with One Ocean Expeditions

The islands of Canada’s Atlantic Maritime Provinces feature a rich and diverse culture, found in…