Road & Rail

Frequently updated, we bring the most informative and interesting stories from the road and rail sectors around the world.

This is where you will find features written by us as we travel by vehicle and train. TheHoworths report and review top campsites, great hotels, fabulous restaurants, unusual train journeys and fascinating places to visit.

To share your news and views with our growing readership, send it to us by email. Include low resolution imagery and any quotations and editors we will then give it consideration.

Paying Back to the Community

Paying Back to the Community

As part of our onboard amusement, Ocean Endeavour is carrying some accredited and famous Inuit…

Polar Bears

Polar Bears

While the voyage in itself is exciting for the route it takes, the highlight as…

Pass the Beluga

Pass the Beluga

One of our more unusual sightings was the beluga whale. We were extremely lucky one…

Safety First

Safety First

No one travelling in Ocean Endeavour is in any doubt what so ever regarding the…

The Iceman Says No

The Iceman Says No

One of the things you have to accept when sailing in an expedition vessel is…

Grave Matter

Grave Matter

Beechey Island is in fact only an island when the tide is high and it…

Arrival in Canada

Arrival in Canada

Grise Fjord is a peaceful hamlet 715 miles (1,150 kilometres) above the Arctic Circle. It…

Life On Board Ocean Endeavour

Life On Board Ocean Endeavour

One of the more important things that differentiates the voyages run by Adventure Canada and…

The Polar Dip

The Polar Dip

No one ever claimed that you have to be clever to cruise the Arctic and…