London’s River Thames to be brought to life by thousands of boats of all shapes and sizes

The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant will take place on Sunday the 3rd of June 2012, celebrating Her Majesty’s 60 years of service. 
Up to a thousand boats will be on Londons River Thames in preparation for Her Majesty The Queen to lead the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant up the river. 

It will be one of the largest flotillas ever assembled on the river. 
The River Thames will be brought to life as rowed boats, working boats and pleasure vessels of all shapes and sizes will be beautifully dressed with streamers and Union flags, their crews and passengers turned out in their finest rigs. 
With the Olympic Games taking place in less than 2 months, berth places across the River Thames are also preparing for an inundation of the world’s largest superyachts, including, the 45m, award-winning charter yacht, Harle

The Royal Docks in London is one such location that superyachts will be headed to this summer. The Royal Docks are only 2-3 miles from the main Olympic sporting venues, so a berth here makes sure you really are in the midst of the action. The Excel Centre is adjacent to the Royal Docks and will host a variety of Olympic events including:

  • Boxing
  • Judo
  • Fencing
  • Taekwondo
  • Table Tennis
  • Weightlifting 
  • Wrestling

This is a unique and incredible opportunity to watch an Olympic final and host an after-party on your yacht just minutes later. 
Royal Docks 2012 is now taking bookings for berths from 20m to 160m with limited availability. With only a few remaining berths, owners, captains and management companies are urged to make contact now to book their spot this summer.
Working with Royal Docks 2012, MGMT Concierge, an exclusive concierge for superyachts in London, will provide all the additional services and fulfill any requirements owners may need. Superyachts berthed at the Royal Docks will be provided with a dedicated full-time marina/berthing manager for on-site assistance, a secure wharf area with restricted public access, shore power, dedicated car parking and concierge services offering preferential ticketing. 

One comment

  1. Good morning,

    Just a quick email as I noticed you had a great feature on the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant; the Thames Jubilee Pageant Infographic and map from can be embedded (for free) and thought you might want to include it in your article:

    Have a great day

    Mark Tilley

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