Yachting Legend Camper & Nicholsons International to be Sold


Now that the Rodriguez Group has been declared formally bankrupt the by French authorities their subsidiary Camper & Nicholsons International, the brokerage house is expected to be sold off.

Leading the efforts to buy the company is Éric de Saintdo, who was the CEO of Rodriguez from 2011 to 2013.

It is understood that he is negotiating the deal with the backing of Italian-Swiss investors.

One comment

  1. 2 bids for the stock of Camper and Nicholson International.

    First from Michael Payne, the current CEO of CNI, and the most knowledgeable of the worth.

    Second from a Swiss company with no tangible operations.

    It is quite interesting that an industry novice would bid X10 more than the industry expert, and be the only other bidder.

    What is not widely discussed but well publicized is CNI’s €17mil outstanding tax debt, or the fact that with the stock purchase, does not come the name Camper and Nicholson.

    The name or “brand” was not owned by the Rodriguez Group, and is contracted to revert to the lawful owner in the event of liquidation. The matter is currently the subject of legal action.

    CNI has made no announcement of the sale. Likely due to the lack of communication with the winning bidder: Colosseum Services SA, and it’s sole Director/Officer: Alexis Basile Robert Calevras.

    Éric de Saintdo was not part of the bid or sale process.

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