Road & Rail

Frequently updated, we bring the most informative and interesting stories from the road and rail sectors around the world.

This is where you will find features written by us as we travel by vehicle and train. TheHoworths report and review top campsites, great hotels, fabulous restaurants, unusual train journeys and fascinating places to visit.

To share your news and views with our growing readership, send it to us by email. Include low resolution imagery and any quotations and editors we will then give it consideration.

Wildlife in the Polar Regions

Wildlife in the Polar Regions

Summertime visitors to the Arctic are often struck by the surprising abundance of birds and…



The Greenland ice sheet is made up of 1.8 million square kilometres of ice. It…

Greenland (our journey north)

Greenland (our journey north)

We landed in Greenland’s only international airport Kangerlussuaq. The town, whose name means ‘the big…

The ship

The ship

At thirty four years of age the 137 metre Ocean Endeavour is no longer in…

The Journey

The Journey

The Northwest Passage represents the pinnacle of Arctic exploration. Ice on this permitting, we’ll explore…

Preparing for a journey of a lifetime

Preparing for a journey of a lifetime

Despite it being in the middle of our English summer time our suitcases are packed…

The Perfect Hotel for Wine Lovers in Gevrey Chambertin Burgundy

The Perfect Hotel for Wine Lovers in Gevrey Chambertin Burgundy

Paul a lawyer approaching retirement, and Jolanta a teacher working in a bank decided to…

Street Food & Pad Thai

Street Food & Pad Thai

We love street food and being in Bangkok you are spoiled for choice A favourite…

Meet Mac the Butler

Meet Mac the Butler

There is something very special about being waited on hand and foot and I have…