There is More to Tenerife than Sun Sex and Sangria


We have never been great fans of Tenerife, the Island in the Canaries.

As far as we were concerned it is an island on the way to the winter cruising grounds of the Caribbean after the summer season in the Mediterranean was over.

We knew it was a place to buy quality duty free fuel and stock up the galley with fresh produce but seldom had the urge to venture ashore given that all we could see from the bridge of the yacht was beaches crowded with sun reddened, bloated holiday makers of the worst possible kind.

How wrong we were! Move inland a mile or so and a whole new world opens up.  Its an island of pocket sized wineries, fabulous restaurants stunning vistas and some great walking adventures.

Mountain biking, hiking, paragliding and even, on the less popular beaches, Kite surfing are just some of the all action sports crews of superyachts can take part in.

We hired a car and drove through several national parks enjoying the scenery and stopping from time to time to hike through the country side.  One side of the island is green and lush the other drier and more barren.  Each have their attractions and both should be investigated.

Driving can be hairy at times but if you follow our Top Ten Tips about Driving in Tenerife then you will not go far wrong.

Just don’t drive down to the beach