What Makes an Artist?

CostaRica_0355We believe an artist is someone who entertains. He or she either paints, sings, dances, acts, plays music or puts on a show.  Seldom do you find an artist who does it all in one performance.

Yet in Carlos Hiller, we may just have found that one person in a million.

Carlos Hiller was born in, Argentina. From an early age he demonstrated a special interest in studying painting, music and biology. His hometown of Santa Fe, 300 miles distant from the sea, is located in an area of plains rivers and a complex system of islands, which became his playground.

As a teenager he made unusual journeys to explore his own country and when he was 17, built a raft on which he and his friend navigated the River Paranato reach its mouth.

The painting that adorned the raft´s sail was one of his first large paintings.

For Carlos this adventure represented a journey of discovery toward the sea, revealing his character as a free spirit and his relationship with nature.

Immediately after this trip he decided to move to the coast.

A student of Marine Biology he has a love of the sea and the creatures that inhabit it.

We came across the artist as he prepared for a show at the beach bar, Father Rooster in Ocetal.  The show entitled The Colour of Music sees Hiller start with a bank canvas and several pots of acrylic paint on a stage with two musicians.

CostaRica_0236He seeks inspiration for the piece of work he will produce from the audience.  On this occasion it was from us, and our trip earlier that day to Monkeys Head Rock.  Then as the sun sets the music starts up and the paint begins to fly, quite literally!

CostaRica_0281Hiller hurls handfuls of the stuff at the canvas but over the period of an hour of so with the live music in the background the picture begins to take form.  Neither he or the music shows any signs of slowing down but gradually it all becomes clear as the masterpiece unfolds.

Show over and the picture is quickly sold to a member of our party who we believe has made a wise investment.