Casado The Meal for the Married Man

Casado, a typical Costa Rican dish served at La Choza de LaurelTicos (the people of Costa Rica) are, it might be said slightly less adventurous eaters when compared to western Europeans, so for them their food has becomes more grounded in their peasant culture and as a result less varied.

Black beans and rice is one such simple, standard dish.  Known as Gallo Pinto, it is often referred to as comida tipica, is the backbone of Costa Rican cuisine.

A typical meal is the Casado, the name referring to the eternal “marriage” of its components. Consisting of rice and beans, meat or fish, fried plantains, and a carrot, tomato, and cabbage salad, this basic and well-rounded meal strikes a good nutritional balance.

An optional entrée may also include chicken, beef, pork or fish.

The term of the plate may have originated when restaurant customers asked to be treated as casados, since married men ate such meals at home.

Ticos make lunch the main meal of the day. Many suggest that eating this way provides more energy during the day when people need it, and less energy at night when it will likely be wasted and converted to fat reserves.

Other foods on the menu might include Arroz, a dish of fried rice, offered with chicken (pollo) or shrimp (gambas).

For breakfast, it is common to be served a hearty dish of black beans and rice (gallo pinto) seasoned with onions and peppers, accompanied by fried eggs, sour cream, and corn tortillas.