Guacamole and Tortillas

Jonathan Barrcentes making guacamole at Altamira Restaurant at Nayara Eating Guacamole dates back to at least the 16th century when it was made by the Aztecs. But given the ample supply of Avecados in Costa Rica is is not surprising that they have made the making of the dish a culinary art form.

At The Nayara Hotel that artistry is a highly occurrence when, in a wonderfully flamboyant style, the dish is made in a traditional fashion right besides your dinner table. Jonathan Barerentes prepared ours for us and used as his ingredients

  • Sea Salt
  • Olive Oil
  • Fresh black pepper
  • lime Juice
  • Roasted Jalapeño Pepper
  • Roasted Red Tomatoes
  • Onion
  • Cilantro
  • Avocado

Given that we were sat in the shadow of the Arenal Volcano it was quite obvious that Jonathan showman that he was created ours with a sense of humour. It was quite delicious.

Guacamole volcano at Altamira Restaurant at NayaraTortillias are made simple from corn flour and water.  The name derives from the Spanish meaning small cake, and the making of it predates the arrival of Europeans to the Americas. In appearance and use they are rather similar to the South Asian chapatti and to the unleavened bread popular in Arab, eastern Mediterranean and southern Asian countries.

The Indian Roti, often mimicked in the Caribbean islands is essentially another example but that mostly uses a bread flour.

Rebecca making tortillas at Altamira Restaurant at Nayara

Ours were made for us at the Nayara Springs Hotel by Rebecca and served with a selection of condiments, they made a superb starter to a great evening meal