In The Netherland to Visit Vripak

The latest in our series of in depth interviews with top designers in the Superyacht industry is taking place in Sneek a small city in the Friesland area of The Netherlands that is home to the talented team of designers, naval architects and system engineers who work for Vripak.

The feature will appear in Invictus the luxury lifestyle magazine published quarterly by ‘By Invitation Only’.  Aimed at UHNWI’s, the upmarket periodical is hand delivered to 6,000 millionaires who own their own super yacht and or private aircraft.

Like all the designer interviews we have written for this exciting magazine it will feature a very full and frank discussion with the company directors.  We will seek to find out how it is this specialist team of talent designers and naval architects set them selves apart from the rest of the industry by specialising in sea going vessels that are designed to travel the world rather than sitting sedately inside a glitzy Cote d’Azur marina