v100GX VSAT Antenna
With the immediacy of the upcoming launch of Global Xpress™ (GX) Ka-band broadband service from Inmarsat next year, the dual-band compatible Intellian v100GX 3-Axis VSAT communications antenna is also being shown. Already used by hundreds of vessels and service providers, the v100GX has been designed from the ground up to provide unparalleled performance for both current Ku-band services as well as Inmarsat’s upcoming Global Xpress™ Service.
Fleetbroadband Hardware
Launched earlier this year, Intellian has introduced three new solutions for the Inmarsat FleetBroadband (FB) networks with innovative new features and stylish design radomes. The FB150, the FB250 and the FB500 comprise a robust and feature-rich product line supported by Intellian’s industry-leading three year warranty. All three terminals include a broad range of IP and networking related value-added features such as IP routing, Firewall capability and vessel fleet tracking.