Super Yacht Red Square Turns a Full Circle

Red Square the super yacht from Dunya Yachts to the exterior designs of Sterling Scott was the venue of one of the better Monaco Yacht Show parties.

It was during the event hosted by Dunya yachts that sales brokers YPI released news that they had sold the yacht during the show.

So fresh was the news that it was only 25 minutes old when the announcement was made.

The yacht was originally conceived for Russian clients who named the project Red Square.

The financial crisis claimed the project as a victim and building work stalled with the ship yard refusing to take telephone calls and make comment as to when the project might restart.

But restart it did financed by the Turkish builders who became de-facto the yachts new owners.

News that the yacht had been purchased by Russian clients means that Red Square has turned full circle!

Announcing the sale at the party Sedat Eurgun the Owner & CEO of Dunya Yachts said she is going to a good owner who I know will enjoy her every bit as much as we have enjoyed making her a reality. A lot of interest has been shown in Dunya over the last few months, and we have a number of projects bubbling away, but for those interested in building their own dream yacht now I would say this: you have seen what we achieved with Red Square, our first ever super yacht…imagine what we can now do with our second.”

Philippe Hetland Brault the CEO of Yachting Partners International (YPI) said, “She is almost certainly the highest quality yacht of her size ever to come out of Turkey and a credit to the yard and the skilled onsite team from all over the world. Dunya has proved that it is a yard to be reckoned with – we wish them every success with their new projects and look forward to selling some more.”
Russell Crump, Head of Sales for YPI, who brokered the deal said very little.  He did not have to, the smile on his face said it all!

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