Yachting Pages launches website upgrade

After months of customer feasibility studies, surveys and industry research, the digital team at Yachting Pages Media group has designed, implemented and launched the future model of Yachtingpages.com.
The site is now live and showcasing new and improved features that have been added following yearly customer consultation at boat shows around the world.
The improved Web site will allow greater interactivity around customer profiles and improved search facilities. Search results will include information about each business being listed, so users can make quick and informed decisions about which profiles to view.

Ports and marinas will be fully searchable by LOA, and users will be able to search the comprehensive news and events guide to find exactly what they want by date, or by category.
Nearly 40% of internet traffic is now viewed on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets; this is slightly lower in the superyacht industry, however, feedback from captains and crews suggests that internet provision at sea and in ports is improving.

With more people than ever using smartphones and iPads, the smaller screen-friendly ‘responsive CSS’ versions of Yachtingpages.comwill help time-pressed captains, crews and busy support services to find what they need, when they need it.
The new reviewed businesses section will only feature businesses that have been reviewed by their customers. This will give potential clients the reassurance that whichever company they choose from this section, they will know exactly how users have rated them.
Review sites have taken the internet by storm with the public wanting real life opinions on where they go or what they are planning to do

Tripadvisor is now the world’s leading travel site showing that customers really are swayed online by peer reviews rather than being persuaded by shiny graphics and slick websites alone.
The website already boasts over 12,000 superyacht businesses and ports and marinas. It is the largest search engine in our industry and has incredible search functionality – we will continue to make amends and to take advantage of new developments to keep it that way.”