Who Would Have Thought You Would Need a Hot Water Bottle in the Maldives

If there is one thing I never thought I would need while staying at the tropical paradise island of Gili Lankanfushi it would be the hot water bottle.
Surrounded by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and kissed each day by the equatorial sun no one would have thought it ever got cold enough to want one.
But take a trip down into the wine cellar for a tutored tasting of wine and cheese by the resorts resident sommelier Rohan Rasanjana Jayawardana and you suddenly feel the need to warm the toes.
The cellar did not exist until the resort was rebuilt following the Tsunami but inspired by a huge tree that was swept ashore by the receding water it was an obvious way to recall the event.  The tree became the wine tasting table and smooth pebbles became the floor covering.

Add severe air conditioning to preserve the fine and rare wines stored therein and suddenly the resorts No News No Shoes policy has a chilling draw back!  Your feet get cold!
But here is a resort where guests want for nothing and just as you think your tootsies are getting as chilled as the Chardonnay out comes the hot water bottle.
Now that’s what I call real luxury!  Can I have a little more of that Gevrey-Chambertin, Georges Lignier et Fils Burgundy please Rohan?  That 2008 vintage you serve there is really rather good!

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