Sunset Sunrise

The island of Praslin claims to have one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and we would concur that it is certainly very attractive but what makes Anse Lazio extra special is that it is one of the most perfect spots from which to witness sunset.

Each evening those lucky enough to be staying on the island have the opportunity of to witness the west facing beach and watch the sun sink slowly below the horizon.  Clouds or not it is Sunset here is spectacular!
We are the guests of Simon Hirst the General Manager of Raffles Hotel and are staying in one of their most beautiful of hilltop villas that has a panoramic view of the ocean and the nearby islands.  It faces East and from the double bed, thoughtfully raised above the floor for this very purpose, it is possible to witness the other of natures most important daily events – Sunrise!

Yes even though it happens quite early each day it is so wonderfully visually satisfying that you would simply not want to miss it.
And you know what?  After the been there done that photographs have been taken you simply drop off to sleep again and dream of that breakfast they serve until 10:30 each day! 

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