Breakfast in the Trees

To truly experience the natural bliss of Fregate Island Private resort, its protected surroundings and exceedingly conscientious conservation efforts you have to go for a walk before it gets too hot.  Before breakfast is an ideal time.

Our first in-depth nature walk was on what is called the Au Salon Trail. We set off into the jungle’s tropical interior driving our golf cart style solar powered buggy.  We parked it in the small off road buggy bay and met Dane Le Marx the islands ecologist who was to walk with us for guidance.
Amongst the jungle’s canopies hide the island’s infamous Magpie Robin and the tuneful Blue Pigeon as well as various beetles, insects and terrapins. Dane showed them all to us and explained the precarious fashion in which the Fairy Tern lay their eggs not in a nest but on any surface they think suitable.  Sadly for them and their eggs the places they choose are not always the most sensible and sadly less than 50% of the eggs laid last long enough to hatch!
Dane is the perfect host and a mine of information.  He pointed out the Aldabra Giant Tortoise that are protected by the island’s Tortoise Protection Programme.  It is delightful to see them in their natural habitat. Thanks to continuous conservation efforts of Dane and his colleagues, the island now boasts the second largest collection of these formidable creatures in the world two thousand and counting, there is plenty of opportunity to spot one ambling across the jungle floor.
Our trail finishes on the beach at Grande Anse and as if by magic our buggy is waiting there for us to climb into.  Driving back to the resort Dane askes if we are hungry.  When we answer in the affirmative he suggests we stop.  Yes right there!  Then he points out a tree house hidden high inside a giant Fig Tree and says breakfast is served.
Climbing to the top we find Nazir our butler beaming with a table set for three.  There is something very special about eating in a tree house but then again there is something very special about the Fregate Island Private resort.
Top Tip: Travel to the resort with specialist tour operator Scott Dunn.  Ask to speak to Juliet Morris of the firm and get her to tell you all about it