MLC Will Come into Force on 20th August 2013

Mark the date down in your diaries because on 20th August 2013 the ILO Maritime Labour Convention will now come into force

The one year countdown began just recently when the ILO member numbers required for final ratification finally reached 30 on 20thAugust this year
Two criteria had to be met before the convention could come into force. The first was that 33 percent of the world’s tonnage had to ratify the convention and the second was that 30 ILO member countries had to do the same.
The tonnage requirement was met in 2009 when members ratifying the convention held a large percentage of the world’s tonnage signed up.
The second requirement has now finally been met following the ratification by Russia and the Philippines nearly three years later.
Strangely the UK has not yet done so but their ratification is expected shortly.
The Maritime Labour Convention often called the ‘seafarers bill of rights’ establishes minimum requirements for almost all aspects of working conditions for seafarers including:
  • Accommodation
  • Conditions of employment
  • Food and catering
  • Health protection
  • Hours of work and rest
  • Medical care
  • Recreational facilities
  • Social security protection

Each flag state is responsible for compliance of all of its fleet ordinarily engaged in commercial activities.  They will have to produce a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance produced for qualifying yachts.
With the clock ticking to countdown Captains, owners, managers and brokers need to plan ahead now to ensure compliance by that time.
Inspections will be undertaken by Port State Control throughout the territories of ILO member states with powers to inspect and in the most serious of cases to detain the yacht.

It is anticipated however that inspections in the first year or so will focus primarily on commercial shipping.