Yachts of 90 Metres and Over Can Berth Free of Charge

A little known bylaw is being exploited by large yachts seeking to cut the costs of mooring in Mediterrean Harbours.

Harbour Master Commander Enrico Macri of the port of Oneglia (Imperia), explained the situation in an online newspaper feature entitled Puntoimperia.
He said, “The law provides that where dock space is not being used by commercial ships, the area can be used by pleasure craft or fishing vessels that have not found anyplace else to dock.
This means, for example, that yachts of over 90 meters in length that are too big to enter the yacht harbour of Imperia can instead use dock space in the adjacent port of Oneglia.
Providing a yacht does not stay alongside for longer than 7 days there is no charge for doing so.
In recent weeks both the 110 metre Radiant and the larger 138 metre Rising Sun have been seen alongside the berth but it is not known if they took advantage of the local ruling or not.
Thank you to Emanuele Valdenassi for this story