First Day at the Genoa Charter Show

Today on the dock at the Genoa charter Show

Leaving a sunny but very damp England we flew out from Gatwick on the midmorning British Airways flight direct to Genoa. 
The weather forecast for the week ahead is a match for that at home: mild and showery.  If there is one thing that is sure at the Genoa Charter Show, it is that the weather will be unpredictable and the wise pack both a sweater and a rain jacket.  Good thing the welcome aboard the yachts is always so warm and friendly.
As predicted we were greeted with showers on our arrival in Genoa.  First stop was the Hotel Bristol Palace to drop off our luggage.  It is a lovely 4 star hotel, maybe not the best in Genoa, nor the most convenient for the Show but we like its location because:
  • Walking to the harbour is full of interest through the narrow, mainly pedestrian streets. 
  • But the metro is close by if the weather is nasty
  • The hotel is in one of the best shopping street for retail therapy
  • And best of all it is close to the Oriental Market – no trip to Genoa is complete without visiting this wonderful food market to buy a huge hunk of gorgeous Parmesan cheese.

Free of luggage, except my camera equipment we walked down to the Show.  The area around the old port was crowded but once we reached Marina Molo Vecchio it was much quieter.  Signed in and badges around our necks we strolled out to the main dock.
Yachts were crowded cheek by jowel along the whole length of the dock and this year there was not an empty space.  More yachts are on the small dock opposite by the Aquarium and further away at Fiera, reached by shuttle bus and ferry there is another dockful.
Like most first days, the Show was quiet.  The persistent drizzle and grey skies added to the sombre mood as the charter brokers and other attendees slipped quietly from yacht to yacht. 
We only had time to make contact with a few colleges and friends along the docks and set up a couple of appointments with captains (for SuperYacht World) before the yachts shut for showing at 1730. 
Like rabbits out of a magician’s hat, the attendees emerged from yacht after yacht and suddenly it was crowded on the dock.  Most people gravitated up to the Mansueto Group stand for a glass of wine and aperitifs of local cheese and meats.  And it was easy to nibble and drink as the glasses were hands free due to a very clever and simple necklace holder.
The rain stopped long enough for us to wind our way back uphill to our hotel to get ready for dinner.


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