Do Not Call it Treasure Hunting

We are off to Malta to write about a superyacht that is involved in what we thought was Treasure Hunting.
It turns out however that in the world she is involved in, those two words are an absolute No-No!
The 26 metre Inace Fortaleza is in fact engaged in underwater or marine archaeology and that is, we are told, a very long long way from plundering from the depths.
The herself yacht is operated by the Aurora Trust and they use her to undertake Marine archaeological surveys mostly for governments who charter her to undertake the research.
Available through Ocean Independence who are the yachts Central Agents, Fortaleza offers the opportunity for guests to partake in historical charters.  They get to watch and be involved in all that goes on around them and that includes the sending of robot cameras down onto wrecks
The Aurora Trust was formed by Craig Mullen and Ian Koblickto advance the world’s understanding of the ocean environment, most particularly its marine cultural heritage hidden for thousands of years on the seafloor and to educate the public concerning the historic role the oceans have played in connecting different cultures; its commerce and conflicts.
Fortaleza is available for charter through Ocean Independence the yachts Central Agents
The yacht is for sale through Luke Brown Associates  Sales Specification here