Sailing: Find a job, start a business, change your life.

There’s a job on or around the water for everyone, from dinghy instructor to superyacht skipper and from sailmaker to yachting photographer.
Now a new book written by our colleague Sue Pelling tells you how to turn a passion for sailing into a whole new lifestyle. 

In  Sail for a Living you can discover the realities of a wide range of marine careers, including the perks and the pitfalls. Benefit from insiders’ experiences and advice.

Learn industry secrets and salary details.
There’s information on how to get a foot on the ladder as well as how to set up your own charter business or sailing school. Discover jobs you never knew existed and learn the quickest career paths.
Interviews with leading names such as:
  • Pete Goss
  • Dee Caffari
  • and Mike Golding give an insight into life at the top of the sport.

There’s also masses of information from those at the heart of the industry. For example, did you know you should have your eyes tested before starting to train as a superyacht skipper. Certain conditions may stop you from qualifying and could mean you’d wasted your money.
There’s first hand advice from those who have set up their own business – they even share the pitfalls they fell into so you don’t have to.
Jobs include: 
  • shore-based support
  • flotilla
  • charter
  • delivery
  • teaching
  • dinghy
  • yacht racing
  • coaching and much more.

There’s masses of advice for anyone interested in a career on ‘big boats’ with a clear explanation of the qualifications needed to get to the top – plus the handy hints from those who’ve already made it.
Sail for a Living gives you the information and inspiration to change your job – and quite possibly your life.
Like us, Sue Pelling is a highly experienced sailor and marine journalist. She’s on first name terms with some of the most influential names in the marine industry, from ocean racers and Olympic medalists, and has covered and competed in some of the world’s leading events. Sue has written for Yachting World, Yachts and Yachting and a range of superyacht and motorboat magazines.
  • Published by Wiley Nautical
  • Print ISBN: 978-0-470-97564-0
  • £14.99
  • 192 pages
  • Paperback and ebook editions available