Fraser Yachts introduced industry quality label

The recent Genoa Charter Show was the largest presentation of charter yachts that the Mediterranean has ever seen.
This is a closed, industry show which gives charter brokers the opportunity to inspect yachts and gain first hand knowledge of their design, equipment, condition and crew.
The high number of yachts on display demonstrated that owners are particularly keen to promote their vessels for charter.
As the charter market becomes saturated with a growing number of fairly similar yachts, it’s increasingly important to stand out from the crowd.
In a bid to do just that Fraser Yachts introduced industry quality label which they call the Diamond Collection
Owners whose yachts are in the programme will benefit from having a unique point of difference.
This is the industry’s first ever quality label whereby independent auditors can appraise a yacht and award it the equivalent of a Michelin® Star if it meets certain quality and service standards.