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Kingston – A Short Stay Guide

Kingston Ontario is a charming old city. Its roots are planted in the beginnings of Canadian history. It is situated at the junction of the St. Lawrence and Cataraqui rivers, on the shore of Lake Ontario. In the distant past, indigenous peoples fought each other for control of this strategically important location.  Later, the French, having… Continue reading Kingston – A Short Stay Guide

Toronto Our Short Stay Guide

Known for its wide boulevards, many skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, Toronto is the capital of Ontario in Canada.  Located along Lake Ontario’s north western shore, it’s a dynamic metropolis with many green spaces. Ranging from the orderly oval of Queen’s Park to 400-acre High Park with its trails, sports facilities and zoo. Founded in 1793 the city is often used as the jumping off point by those seeking to visit Niagara… Continue reading Toronto Our Short Stay Guide