Going Free to a Good Home


As we sort through our comprehensive collection of books all about Superyachts we found one or two duplicates and finding the need to store yet more books have had a sort out.

We have placed many of our books onto our Web site for sale but here is a book we would like to give away to someone who will appreciate it. All you have to do is pay the postage

The book details the history of the first 25 years in the life of the Moonen Shipyard.

It recounts and illustrates the yard’s rich and diverse history and is authored by American journalist Jack A. Somer.

Founded in 1981, Moonen rose from the ashes of the de Ruiter Shipyard, a builder of small inland motoryachts.

Rien Moonen was the yard’s landlord and when de Ruiter declared bankruptcy,

Moonen elected to take over operations, to complete several yachts under construction. He then decided to stick with yachtbuilding.

Our spare copy is in pristine condition and has not even had the publishers wrapping removed

If you would like to have our spare copy of this book please contact us and let us know why