Green is the New Black

Arcadia Yachts SOLAR - Solar Concept

Green is the new black, and it has nothing to do with style. There’s been a steadily growing trend towards environmentally-friendly solutions, from rechargeable cars to biodegradable packaging, and the yachting community is catching on.

The yacht company Arcadia released the specs their newest model: the Arcadia 100, a 44.5 metre super yacht that will take advantage of the next – generation solar cells. Unlike its predecessors, the Arcadia 100 will be 25 per cent more green efficient.

This is just one example of how green technologies are revolutionising the yachting industry. But you don’t necessarily need to buy a hybrid vessel to be kind to the environment. Here is a list of five quick tips and hacks to make sure you are doing your part to preserve our seas.

1) Clean green

Harsh chemicals found in cleaning products are extremely harmful pollutants to the ocean’s ecosystem, and since a bit of the product is bound to end up in the water, it’s important that we use safe, effective, green products. Make sure that everything you use is clearly labelled non-toxic and is water-based, or you can make your own cleaning products using items such as baking soda, vinegar, toothpaste and other household ingredients.

2) Paint green

Another source of potential chemical poisoning is antifouling paint. This special coating is applied to the hull to slow the growth of barnacles and other creatures that attach themselves to the vessel, as well as protecting against corrosion and improving speed in the water. However, antifouling paint is incredibly toxic to marine life and even though the use of certain chemicals like tributylin (TBT) has been banned, it’s important that you choose a safe paint for your yacht. For more information on eco-friendly antifouling paints, read this article in Sail Magazine.

3) Power green

The great thing about a boat’s engine is that they aren’t in constant use. That’s a great environmental plus. But when you do need to put on a burst of speed, make sure you’ve got the right engine for the size of your yacht. For example, having an engine that’s too small will consume too much fuel and leak out more emissions. Here’s a helpful guide that explains all the various engine types and here’s another article that helps you find the right engine for your boat.

4) Scrap green

When it’s time to consider buying a new yacht, it’s important that you dispose of your old boat properly. If you are planning to scrap it or sell it for parts, do thorough research about the proper way to get rid of oil, diesel, petrol, batteries and other hazardous chemicals. Another green way to recycle your old vessel is to donate it to charity – find out more information here.

5) Waste green

Just like on land, paying extra attention to limiting personal waste is incredibly important when on a yacht. Follow the three magic R’s: Recycle, Reuse and Recycle. Little things like cigarette butts or plastic utensils create harmful, poisonous litter for aquatic ecosystems. Anything that you can’t reuse should be saved until you can dispose of it properly – never toss it overboard! For more tips on reducing waste, read this article.

With the rise of eco-friendly sailing, yacht owners need to make sure they are doing everything they can to preserve our beautiful waters. If you are in the market, the environment should be at the top of your list of things to consider when buying a new yacht. It’s not hard to be a green sailor: little changes to our behaviour and the products we purchase can make a world of difference.