Musandam-Oman Sail Sets Record Pace at Muckle Flugga

Ballistic pace round Britain and Ireland for Musandam-Oman Sail – Credit: Rick Tomlinson/RORC

At their current ballistic pace, Musandam-Oman Sail‘s estimated finish will be at 10:24 BST, Thursday 14th August. The MOD 70, skippered by Frenchman Sidney Gavignet, is two hours inside the course record set by Banque Populaire 5 in 2011 of 3 days 3 hours, 49 minutes, 14 seconds.

Sidney Gavignet contacted the RORC Media team at 1000 this morning, just 100 miles from the top of the course, having raced approx. 600 miles in 24 hours.

“Right now the wind speed is 20 knots from 230 degrees, Jan Dekker is at the helm and the boat speed is 30 knots,” commented Sidney Gavignet. “We blew out our old J1 yesterday, so we have to be very careful with our J2.

Record or no record, we try to be gentle with this lady but she is strong. This morning I can see that the crew are starting to get a bit tired but they are doing fine.

Omani sailors Sami (Al Shukaili) and Yassir (Al Rahbi) are having an amazing experience and even Jan Dekker says that it is a long time since he has experienced such a high speed for so long.

Musandam-Oman Sail reached Out Stack, the rock north of Muckle Flugga and the most northerly part of the course, just before 1500 BST 12th August. The MOD 70 has about 46 hours to complete the remaining 1098 miles to set a new world record. Musandam-Oman Sail has averaged an astonishing 24 knots on a screaming reach up to the top of the course and needs to average the same, or better, on the way back down.

It seems that the wind gods are with them as the new breeze is from the North West and came in just as the trimaran turned for home. It looks like a reach all the way down the west coast of Scotland and Ireland and maybe, just maybe, Musandam-Oman Sail can beat the 2011 record set by Banque Populaire 5, which is twice as long as Musandam-Oman Sail .


Musandam-Oman Sail at Muckle Flugga – Credit: Oman Sail