New Chief Commercial Officer appointed at the Ferretti Group

Already flexing his managerial muscle as Ferretti’s Chief Executive Officer Alberto Galassi, is working on strengthening and developing the sales network for all the Group’s brands.

As part of the Group’s consolidation/relaunching plan focused on the design and construction of new ranges of products, as well as on the implementation of new business and marketing strategies he has appointed Stefano de Vivo to report directly to him while carrying out the role of the new Chief Commercial Officer of Ferretti Group
Stefano de Vivo, aged 36, graduated in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from the prestigious University College of London and gained an MBA from the University of Sciences and Technology in Hong Kong.

He began his career in the yachting industry at Riva where, he covered the roles of Project Manager, World After Sales Manager and Greater China and Asia Pacific Manager.

He moved to Benetti as was Sales & Marketing Director and Vice President of Sales.