Money, murder and love on the high seas

If you love action books spiced with suspense, make sure Sea of Gold is your next read.

It is the debut thriller from author Nick Elliott that is packed with intrigue –
In the world of international shipping, the rules are blurred and the oceans lawless.
Nick Elliott has been a boarding agent attending ships in Edinburgh’s port of Leith. He moved to Hong Kong and lived throughout the Far before relocating to Greece and eventually back to the UK.  A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, he has worked, lived and breathed shipping throughout and more than a few of the events described in Sea of Gold are inspired by his own experiences.
His story tells of maritime claims investigator Angus McKinnon who believes that a wave of frauds must be connected, he thinks it’s just business as usual. Instead, he uncovers a ruthless conspiracy born of greed and the lust for power.
As he starts to unravel a trail leading from the post-Soviet drabness of a Black Sea port to a sweltering anchorage in the Gulf of Thailand, a devastating explosion in the Indian Ocean changes everything.
Facing down terrifying childhood memories, torn between two very different women and doubting old friends, McKinnon must navigate a precarious path between secretive government agencies, shady syndicates and avaricious crime lords towards an unpredictable endgame.
Gambling everything on his faith in one man, can McKinnon beat the odds and come out on top?
A gripping page-turner, Sea of Gold draws the reader into a world of extremes, the casual affluence of the super-rich contrasting with the dignified poverty of the desperate..
 Available now on Kindle and in paperback from Amazon