Malta Seeks To Create Superyacht Haven Modeled on St Tropez

James Debono, Malta Today’s chief reporter on environment, planning and land use issues has reported on a new superyacht development planned for Malta in todays paper 

The outer part of Sliema’s creek is he reports being earmarked for a land reclamation project and the development of a superyacht hub modelled on similar projects in St Tropez and Dubai.

His report suggests the development of a superyacht hub in Sliema will create more space for commercial outlets, parking facilities and embellishment features.

It will also he says, drastically change the social fabric of the Sliema Strand, frequented by pedestrians who can walk along the sea, enjoying the unobstructed view of Manoel Island and Valletta in an unbroken walk from St Julian’s Bay right into Gzira. 

The permanent berthing of superyachts could block traditional sea views. 

The project may include a breakwater to render the area a safe harbour all year round, as well as land reclamation opposite St Anne Square. 

Malta already offers superyacht berths at the Grand Harbour Marina and at the Manoel Island Marina. 

The Malta Environment and Planning Authority is presently considering a smaller land reclamation project proposed by a number of hotels on the Gzira side of the Strand. 

The project envisions the development of a swimming pool and other facilities on reclaimed land, adjacent to the present promenade, which will remain public. 

But while presently people can walk along the coast, looking directly at the sea between Gzira and Manoel Island, the proposed area, immediately adjacent to the sea, will be occupied by private facilities. 

According to MEPA’s (Malta’s Environment Protection Directorate), this negative impact can be offset by providing adequate pedestrian access along the seaward edge of the proposed reclaimed coast.