For Eva Peron, it is a Grave Situation











Not far from the Four Seasons Hotel and within a short and easy walk is The Recoleta Cemetery said to be one of the worlds Top Ten most beautiful of cemeteries.

Regular followers of this blog will recall we visited the cemetery in Punta Arenas said to be on that same list.

The Recoleta Cemetery was inaugurated on 17 November 1822 becoming the first public cemetery in the city of Buenos Aires.

Responsible for its creation were the then Governor Martin Rodriguez and his minister Bernardino Rivadavia. The first two burials were of a  black freed slave, Juan Benito, and a young lady called Maria Dolores Maciel.











More relevant players of Argentinian history rest in here Recoleta among them politicians, military men, statesmen, explorers, priest, leaders, writers and poets.

All lie in silent testimony, honoured today by the presence of thousands of Argentine and foreign visitors who all enjoy walking around what is a truly magnificent creation.Guides can be hired but we purchased a map and catalogue from for just 15 pesos and found that and the information from the engaging and multi lingual Florencia Nuñez gave us plenty of information.The site covers 54,843 square metres, has 4,800 vaults. Its front portico in Greek Doric style without base was finished during one of the majors re buildings requested in 1881 by the then president of the City Council, Torcuato de Alvear.

From that moment, there followed many alterations for an active necropolis and as time has passed, it has been architecturally enhanced until today where it has become one the most relevant historical and artistic monuments in the country and well worth a visit.

One major draw is the tomb of María Eva Duarte de Perón or Evita who died from cancer at the age of 33, on 26 July 1952.  She was the second wife of Argentine President Juan Perón (1895–1974).