Be Brave in Buenos Aires and Hire a Car

If you enjoy an adventure and fancy your chances at being the second coming of Fangio (the Argentinian Race Car driver) then you have to hire a car in Buenos Aires.

We hired ours from Avis whose downtown office is in Recoleta and close by the HUB Porteñohotels and The Four Seasonswhere we stayed.
It was a nasty little thing built in Brazil but it had the advantage of being cheap even if uncomfortable but it did the job of getting us and our luggage from the city centre to San Antonio de Areco some 120 klicks north of the city.
It’s a journey of nearly an hour and half and even longer if you do not remember at first that the maps on your iPhone are the perfect way to find your self clear of the busy city traffic and onto the Pan American highway heading North.

We stopped off at the Hurlingham Club for Sunday Lunch and then carried on to San Antonio where we were to stay for four nights in the most wonderful of polo pony Estancias, La Bamba de Areco.

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