Eddie Jordan, Formula One Legend Talks World Circumnavigation

Interviewing Eddie Jordan, Formula One legend on board his newly launched Sunseeker 155 called Blush we turn our conversation towards Lushhis other yacht, an oyster 855 designed by Rob Humphreys.
“They are both British designed and both British built and I love them both with equal passion.” he told us.
To say ‘Eddie Jordan’ and ‘fast track’ in the same sentence is appropriate not just because the track has been the platform of his career but because of the incredibly short time it has taken him to elevate himself to that rare breed of the circumnavigator.

Only a few weeks ago Lush sailed back into the Caribbean after participating in the immensely successful Oyster World Rally.
What were the highlights of the voyage around the world we ask?
There were so many he says but Capetown would have to be up there.  We were their at a time when we were asked to lay a wreath in memory of Mandela and just days later we were able to invite the Royal couple form Monaco out for a day sail because they were out there at the same time as we were.
What about disappointments we ask are there any places you did not like?
Yes he answers candidly but lets not dwell on those
Eddie Jordan, Formula One legend, has now had three designs from Rob Humphreys Design – an Elan 450, an Oyster 655 and most recently an Oyster 885 (in fact the first-in-class 885, displaying a much appreciated act of faith).

The day after our interview he was flying to St Barths for the bucket.  It seems you cannot ever stop EJ from competing on the race circuit