Iberia or easyJet? – Spot the difference!

They might well be belong to the same company as owns British Airways and they might well operate an increasing number of flights for and on behalf of British Airways but Iberia has adopted the no frills format pioneered to perfection by Sleazyjet.

Board an airbus A320 flying in Europe and there is little to choose between Sleazy and the so called Spanish Flag carrier.

Both offer allocated seats, both charge for food and drink (even though you think you have purchased a British Airways ticket with catering included,) and both do not give a dam if you miss your forward connection.

Least you think I am knocking Sleazy, let me say that without doubt, their cabin staff are a great deal more cheerful and helpful than the morose lot on Iberia.

This means effectively, that British Airways, once the worlds favourite airline, has finally admitted that Sleazy have got it right and that they have got it wrong and have, by the back door, become the worlds latest no frills airline.
Categorised as Road & Rail