Day 3 of The Perini Navi Cup

It very much looked like the third day of racing of the Perini Navi Cup 2013 would follow the pattern seen over the last a few days and see racing curtailed.

But no, the winds  began to build and eventually by 2 pm there was enough to start the race.  Never enough to see these mighty machines really move but enough to see them enjoy themselves.

Tactical errors saw Tamsen loose the number three position  they established on day one and at the back of the pack there was a battle royal between Panthalasa and Parsifal IV two very similar sized yachts who slugged it out to the finish with Parsifal IV taking third place in the race and thus beating Panthalasa.

Zenji was 2nd and Silencio scooped the win

We did not manage to hitch a ride on any of the competing boats today and had to content ourselves with a berth aboard Virginia the chartered in motor yacht used as a Spectator vessel.

This gave us the perfect opportunity to nip in and out of the fleet and watching the action at all the crucial spots.

As is usual it is impossible not to be impressed by the sheer majesty of The Maltese Falcon but again today it was P2 powering through the fleet from an almost standing start that had us all gasping with admiration.

She might not be competing but the all new 60 metre Seahawk caused quite a stir as she showed how fast she could change tack and gybe around a mark.