Explorers, adventurers and Master Mariners invited to Kiwi breakfast at the Monaco Yacht Show

Representatives from New Zealand will be hosting a breakfast meeting at the Monaco Yacht Show for Captains of super yachts seeking to visit the country and explore the plethora of cruising options within the island nation.

Tourism New Zealand, ATEED (Auckland Tourism Events andEconomic Development) together with Jeanette Tobin from Asia PacificSuperyachts New Zealand, are hosting the event over a relaxed Kiwi breakfast while they walk you through New Zealand’s diverse landscapes.
The presentation, running from 8-9.45am, on Thursday 26 September in Virage Restaurant (just beside New Zealand Street) will take you through the adventures to be had, the deep green empty bays to discover and the practicalities of a Kiwi cruise.

Presented by Jeanette Tobin, and Jason Hill from ATEED, with representatives from Tourism New Zealand on hand, as well as captains who’ve cruised the island nation to pass on their expert advice, this is a not-to-be-missed event for anyone wanting to ramp up their charter appeal, cater to an owner with the need to explore, or see just how many landscapes can be reached within very small cruising distances.
For more information on the breakfast, please contact Jeanette Tobin