Words to Avoid in Your Resume or CV

Everyone in the super yacht industry is searching for that dream job and when it appears on a job board sometimes the excitement can affect the ability to think clearly and prepare a convincing application. 

Most advertised jobs shall attract dozens of potential candidates, how are you going to make your resume stand out and are you aware of some of the common words that send your document straight to the rubbish bin.

Stephen Crone runs Australian Yacht Crew Pty Ltd, a recruitment company specialising in nautical crew.  Typically his firm has around 20 applications received for each position advertised on the Job Board. He says, “Some of the key items that the recruitment team look for are qualifications and previous experiences that are directly relevant. If you are applying for a position on a 40m yacht then make your previous experiences on similar sized vessels stand out.” 

If you are seeking to polish up your resume, take note of some of the most commonly used buzzwords to avoid.

Are you a creative, motivated and responsible employee with a proven track record ?

Well that’s great, but the problem is, so is everybody else !

Creative is the most overused buzzword in resumes and if the statement is not backed up with proof then your profile will appear generic. 

Other expressions to avoid are aspiration statements, “I want to be” or “My goal is” are basically messages alerting an employer to your lack of qualifications or experience for a position.

Top 10 Buzzwords appearing in resumes

  • Creative
  • Effective
  • Motivated
  • Extensive Experience
  • Track record
  • Innovative
  • responsible
  • Analytical
  • Communication Skills
  • Positive

If using buzzword statement always include a metric that proves your statement, if you cant provide a evidence to support then it shouldn’t be in your resume.

Resume writing can be an art in itself , it should simply be a summary of your previous working experiences however making it stand out from the rest is the challenge. Look at your friends resumes or search online for samples and compare – sometimes an interesting picture, a bold statement or some clever clipart are great ways to catch the attention of an employer.

Our thanks to AYC Superyacht Recruitment (www.ayc.com.au) for this feature