Day Trip to Malaga

Flying down to Malaga from London for a day is not every ones ideal pastime but for us it’s all in a day’s work.  We are off to test drive the new 85 foot motor yacht from Monte Fino Yachts.
Named the ecHo it takes its name from being a frugal consumer of diesel fuel hence the eco bit.  The capital H is for Humphreys because it is in that yacht design studio that the yacht’s shape and general outline were created by Rob Humphreys and his team.
We shall be reviewing the yacht for the pages of several of the world’s better motor yacht magazines and to do that it will be necessary to put the yacht through her paces.
Berthed in Marina Jose Banus a 45 minute drive away from Malaga Airport and just 30 miles east of Gibraltar we will have to spend the first night in an hotel.  Our hosts have selected the Hotel Benabola for our accommodation and it is located inside the marina complex meaning we will not have far to walk to find the boat the following morning.