MYBA Introduces New Docking Arrangements for Genoa Charter Show

Its all change at the MYBA Charter Show in Genoa which begins on April 29th and runs until €“May 3rd.

Never a popular berth the organisers have finally decided to drop the Aquarium Quay from the Show.  

Instead the show will now be based on just two quays with yachts docked on Marina Molo Vecchio and Marina Fiera some distance away.

A regular shuttle service will be available linking Marina Molo Vecchio to Marina Fiera by land and sea.

Shuttle buses will be leaving from the main entrance to the Show. A ferry service will leave from Marina Molo Vecchio at the end close to the MYBA stand.  Both services will be free of charge to registered show goers

The show is a private event, closed to both the public and visitors, and only pre-registered attendees may attend.  Only photo- badge holders and uniformed crew from the yachts attending the Show will be allowed to enter the Show area between 9:00h and 21:00h.


  • Exhibition Area         9:30h to€“ 18:30h daily
  • Yacht Viewing          9:30h to€“ 17:30h daily
  • Yachts are closed for lunch between 12.30 and 14;00
  • On Friday yacht viewing closes at 17:00h
  • Yacht viewing starts at 10am on Tuesday April 30th  and on Thursday May 2nd  to allow brokers and crew to attend the seminars