Over 40 Yachts to be Auctioned at Antibes Boat Show

The organisers of the Yacht Auction taking place during the Antibes Boat Show have committed to undertake one of the most intensive programs of marketing communication ever seen for a yacht auction.
The list of yachts that are to be offered for sale at the auction is growing rapidly, and is expected to exceed 40 yachts and at least five berths.
This warrants significant advertising expenditure and marketing effort – unlike previous auctions with fewer yachts.
In addition to the Antibes Yacht Show’s own extensive communication, there will be a harmonious campaign of local and international advertising specifically about the auction.
There will be an official launch of the project in Monaco on 2nd of April, overlooking the port in the Star Deck, administered by a professional PR company.
This will officially launch the on-line catalogue, which by then will be complete with specifications, photographs, and video of the yachts and other items that will be auctioned.