Behind the scenes at the Antibes Yacht Show 2013

As an official media partner of the Antibes Yacht Show, Yachting Pages has some special ‘access all areas’ privileges.

Here we take advantage of our close working relation ship with Yachting Pages and the Super Yacht Owners Guide to to interview Muriel Penoty, Communications Manager at the Antibes Yacht Show (AYS).

What are the early signs concerning your visitor and exhibitor numbers?
We always hope to exceed the previous year and happily, the numbers for both are growing every year. Interest from visitors from different countries has expanded this year, too.

What is the most exciting development at the show for 2013?
We’re really focusing on 20m+ yachts this year so they’ll be more strongly represented. We also have free WiFi for exhibitors and visitors alike which will make life more convenient for everyone.

Can you elaborate on the new Chefs Lounge to be introduced at this show?
For a while now we’ve had dedicated lounge areas for different sections of the industry, which we develop every year. This year we’re pleased to introduce the Chefs’ Lounge. Chefs are so integral to a charter’s success, so this is a social space in which these superyacht professionals can network.

Suggest three highlights for visitors to the Antibes show this year.
The wider range of yachts will be a real treat for visitors. The world’s first live superyacht auction on Saturday 20 is eagerly anticipated, and there’s also a packed seminar and activity programme. Oh and there’s additional visitor parking at Parking Ponteil, nearby. Sorry, that’s four!

Name three highlights for exhibitors to the show this year.
Free WiFi for exhibitors will really help delegates showcase their products on their stands. We’ve also expanded our exhibitor seminar schedule, and are organising an exhibitors’ networking event…involving cocktails. 

How many super yachts (over 24m) do you expect to feature in the show?
It’s too early to give the final number but there will be at least 50 larger vessels in the show, possibly many more. Discussions are in progress…

What do you think that crew like best about the Yachting Pages super yacht directories?
I think they’re a great help to crew, because they contain all the information you could possibly need for each destination.

Has AYS attracted exhibitors from any new countries for 2013? Where?
Yes this year we have exhibitors from new countries including Brazil, and we have more exhibitors booked in from the USA, too. 

The show is hosting the world’s very first live superyacht auction. How did that come about and how many yachts will feature?
Tim Morley of Morley Yachts came to us with this brilliant idea, and we are thrilled to be working with him to make it happen. We’re not sure how many of the yachts will be participating, but several have already confirmed with Morley Yachts, who will provide their own auction catalogue nearer the event.

If people want any information about the AYS who should they contact first?
Send an email to and either I or my colleague Petra will respond as soon as we can.

It’s Yachting Pages’ tenth anniversary this year – we started in Antibes back in 2003. Will you help us celebrate?
Of course! We’ll announce it on our website for you and congratulate you in person when you arrive on the Riviera.

Yachting Pages can be found at Stand C703 – C705 at the IYCA area of the Antibes Yacht Show 2013.