Was the Genoa Yacht Show a Success or a Failure?

The doors to the 52nd Genoa International Boat Show closed last Sunday
Visitor attendance figures were significantly down on those for last year’s event which saw 226,000 attend.  Final figures for this year have not yet been released but the early indicator is that figure will be some 50,000 less.  Equally there were many fewer exhibitors this year.  Just 900 compared to last years 1300.
So what is it that is leading the shows decline?  “Nothing,” says Sara Armella, the Chairman of Fiera di Genova who organise the show.  “But,” She adds, “We will consider changing the format next year.”
Among the ideas the organisers will consider are:
  • Show length
  • Show Opening Times
  • Show seasonal timing
  • Format

Anton Francesco Albertoni, president of Italian marine industry association UCINA, said, “Yes this was not the greatest of Genoa Shows but we are committed to staging the event again next year and must review how the show is organised before then
UCINA general manager Marina Stella, said, “The association will develop the best possible format for next year’s show in order to further boost business opportunities for its members.”