Out Now: The YPI Selection – Autumn/Winter Edition

“There has never been a better time to charter a luxury yacht,” says YPI Group CEO, Bertrand Vogéle, “despite, or perhaps thanks to, the current rollercoaster of a world economy we all presently live in.”
He said so as the company launches its new Autumn/Winter 2012-13 edition of THE YPI SELECTION which itself marks almost 30 years of specialist publications produced by the team for its clients.
Designed to ensure readers are always one step ahead, YPI magazines and brochures have always presented the latest and finest yachts for purchase and charter, offered advice and recommendations on everything from top charter destinations to how best to manage your yacht.
Because these days many charter yacht clients now receive magazines almost instantly on their ipads and smart phones, the company has made the same facility available for the new publication
Featuring a hand-picked selection of over 60 of the world’s finest yachts and some of the best offers for sale and charter, this Anniversary edition also catches up with two of the industry’s foremost players: designer Andrew Winch and ship builder Heesen Yachts, to find out more about their latest projects
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