Transparent Smart Window Screen Debuts at Monaco Yacht Show

Bringing science fiction to life at this year’s Monaco Yacht Show is a prototype of the very latest in screen technology to the superyacht industry
Due to go on sale in the coming months, the Transparent Smart Window Screen is set to revolutionise how owners and guests enjoy video entertainment on board their yachts, and open up the possibility of doing away with unsightly monitors altogether by instead transforming simple windows into multi-media platforms.

Alewijnse Marine Systems, have the prototype on their stand number QD66 and are happy to demonstrate.
So how does it work?  Quite simply, when it is not operating the Transparent Smart Window Screen looks like a straightforward sheet of glass, making a window frame or an otherwise solid screen separating two living areas the ideal places to mount it.  Once it is powered up, that all changes.
Individual icons and frames can be selected to give access to applications and computer programs while maintaining a view of the world beyond, or all incoming light can be cut out enabling the Smart Window Screen to act as a black-screen monitor for TV and movies.
Future capabilities now under development will include touchscreen operation and even a virtual blind function that allows the user to control the amount of light coming into the room. 
As for those on the other side, even when the screen is operational all they see is clear glass, or a blacked out window if the user prefers.  It is quite remarkable.
The company has evaluated the Transparent Smart Window Screen from a superyacht perspective and has introduced additional solutions for integration into ship-wide entertainment and IT systems.  The screen is initially available in any size up to 46-inches / 117 cm, with larger options undoubtedly not long in coming.
Resolution is 1366 x 768 pixels and input is via USB and HDMI.  Retrofitting the Transparent Smart Window Screen is also no problem for the engineers at Alewijnse and these screens can be used for other applications such as displaying navigational or situational information.
To find out more, visit the Alewijnse stand at QD66 Darse Nord