New Book Pits Skipper Against Crew and Visa-Versa

On board a yacht war twixt skipper and crew makes scrummaging in the Rugby World Cup look like a picnic.
After all, when the going gets tough ashore, one protagonist can go to the pub.
On a boat there’s no such escape – you just have to slug it out. A new book Skipper vs Crew / Crew vs Skipper aims to take the conflict to a higher level, but while doing so is even-handed in its advice.
Reading from the front the skipper will find new and exciting ways to exploit those forward of the tiller, reinforcing his guiding principle: ‘Why be awkward when, with a bit of effort, you can be completely impossible.’
Meanwhile the crew will have noticed that the book can be turned over and read from the back.
Here they will find an arsenal of weapons to fight back. Remember, from his position on Fantasy Island, the skipper is actually helpless. Shout as he will, only the crew can hoist sails, tend the sheets and fend off when it all goes horribly wrong.
Author Tim Davison has cruised all round Northern Europe and the Mediterranean.
Skipper vs Crew
Crew vs Skipper
By Tim Davison
Published by Adlard Coles Nautical
Paperback – £8.99
ISBN # 9781408154137