Getting to Porto Montenegro

Getting to the multi millionaire’s marina paradise of Porto Montenegro is a breeze!

Climb aboard your private jet, command the Captain to take of for Tivat in Montenegro and minutes after landing you are on board your yacht.

Without the private jet the journey can be a little more tortuous.  It begins with a scrum down battling for seats on an aircraft emblazoned with orange coloured Web site names which eventually takes off in the general direction of Dubrovnik in neighbouring Croatia.

Two and a half hours later it lands.  Once clear of the airport your driver tells you the advertised 1 hour trip is impossible in summertime.  Think nearer 2 he says.

As it turns out he is wrong, it takes us 3!

The journey heading south in Croatia is pleasant enough, country roads, climb mountains, twisting and turning to follow the coast.  Sometimes they are paved other times they are not.

30 minutes into the journey you need your passports at two cross border checkpoints.  Montenegro is not yet part of the EU.

From that moment the scenery changes.  Wall to wall shingle beaches line the shoreline never far from the road.  They are covered in fat people soaking up the sun.

The nose to tail traffic is made worse by by police who have caused a traffic jam to allow government officials to travel at speed in a three car convoy complete with flashing blue lights.

Next time so one asks me if I have had a good trip I might just scream!