Brazil Opens Up for Yachting

A newly formed company Brazil Yacht Services is set to offer a full support service along the entire coast of Brazil, with:

  • Detailed Cruise Planning,
  • Clearances
  • Visas,
  • Bunkering
  • Aviation Support
  • Provisioning, Ground Tours and much, much more

Based in Rio de Janeiro by professionals with over 40 years in the Super yacht Industry it hopes to enable Super yacht guests and crew to enjoy the best possible Brazilian experience at the same time as introducing prospective Industry professionals to the local sector.
Hosting the  Football World Cup in 2012 and the Olympics in 2016 and on the route to and from Cape Horn and Antarctica, Brazil is seeing an increasing number of  visiting SuperYachts beginning to Cruise this pristine coastline discovering the joys of destinations like:
  • Fernando de Noronha
  • Salvador de Bahia
  • Buzios
  • Ilha Grande
  • Rio de Janeiro and the Amazon

For further details visit or contact: