Superyacht UK Young Designer of the Year Moves Ahead & Exhibits Designs in London

Dan Humphreys, the young designer from Plymouth who first came to the attention of the super yacht world winning a Superyacht UK design award has taken his chosen subject to new heights.

Having picked up top prize in the Italian design competition Abitare La Barca Concept Award. He chosen  to take his design forward and used it as his major project at university. 

Next week he travels to London to exhibit at ‘New Designers‘  the UK’s most important graduate exhibition. Taking place over two weeks, with nine distinct design zones and two prestigious Awards Evenings, New Designers is an event full of innovation and fresh thinking.

Over 3,500 of the most talented newly graduated designers from across the nation will come together under one roof for the 27th edition of New Designers.

There he will showing a body of work centred on Thunderbird his boat concept design

His concept can be seen at the exhibition from the 4th to the 7th of July at the business design centre, London.

It can be viewed along with some other projects and is hoping to get exposure and possibly get pointed in the right direction to take his design to the next level.