Canal Trip: Day 5 Chatillon Coligny to Montcresson

We left Chatillon Coligny this morning and Renaissance gently cruised through Montbouy just 5 kilometres distance and after a short stop set off again towards Montcresson. Once we got there we jumped into the barge’s mini van and set off to visit Chateau Sully sur Loire.

This delightful moated castle originally belonged to Georges de la Trémoïlle, who infuriated Joan of Arc by encouraging the Dauphin to devote himself to idle hunting in the forests around Sully.  After Joan’s failure to liberate Paris in 1430, de la Trémoïlle virtually imprisoned her in the castle. In the 18th century Voltaire, exiled from Paris, also spent time here. 

Dinner on board was as usual a four course delight but ended somewhat differently.  Just as we were to sit down to our fine Armagnac, Cognac or Calvados our Captain introduced us to Guy Chapalain and Jean-Michel Solesle a pair of classical guitar players who entertain under the name Duo Guit’art

They put together a delightful and diverse programme of music to entertain us by and brought yet another evening on the Canal de Briare to a pleasing close.

Renaissance is Operated by European Waterways